Originally Posted By: Alex
Just restocked my generic BOB (this one will be carried by DW). I have another one with more sophisticated stuff smile
(Particular items descriptions under the number are separated by semicolon for clarity below).

1. Auxiliary medikit and meds; money hidden in a capsule.

15. Plywood disk (fire starting tinder, coaster, etc); Kevlar thread on plastic spool; assorted safety pins; Bic lighter below.

27. Pencil wrapped with several feet of nichrome wire (enough to go red hot from 12V); another pencil; perm. marker; heavy duty steel ink pen.

Great kit! A few questions /comments.

1. How big is the capsule / how many bills can you fit inside?

15. Plywood is made by gluing together pieces of wood and the glue is toxic when burned. It would be much safer to get a coaster sized piece of unfinished wood. A craft store for a disc or cut off a thin slice of scrap wood.

27. Never heard of nichrome before but after Googling it I'm interested. I'll see if I can find some locally. Have you tried getting it red hot with a 9v battery?