Ive toyed with the idea for some time , and although Ive contacted several people through various means , none panned out . They all offer a glimmer of hope , then hit ya with the real focus , like the christian groups , a little too into the bible for me , Christian Identity , racial bias doesnt have anything to do with christian values , mostly associations just want a $30 member fee and you get there newsletter or blog a decal and what not !

For me , My idea is this , get a select group of people you can trust , I would say roughly 5 or 6 families (yes families) , everyone meets and we find out what our goals are , what are skills are and then we sit down and formulate a plan , I would say having a local clube house (so to speak) or bug out if you will and possibly a long range one (at a later date) , with the local house preferably on a ranch (if possible ,I live in rural country) and open floor plan , all fmilies will have acceess to this house , stock the house well , but only enough for each family to survive (more on that later) , its imperative that each family possess or be willing to learn skills to keep us all safe in other words the ability to make fire , find water and sanitize it , hunt , fish etc , sanitation and medical , I might leave some thing out !

What Im getting at is this , there are plenty of groups out there and people always want to join , but you can tart your own group right where you live and trust is numero uno in my book , if we trust each other we can accomplish anything together !

Your thoughts?