I'm willing to bet they're told to act that way. Which is sad that two people who are respected in their individual communities would give in to what the producers tell them to do. But hey...some folks like a paycheck.

+ 1
And this is exactly why I feel the way I feel about DS, and throwing Dave out of the show.

It maybe immaterial and doesn't matter, but my gut feeling is that the reason for throwing Dave out of the show wasn't really what he wrote in his resume. Almost everything in this show is fake, so why the producers were upset about a few faked lines in some actor's resume ?????

OK. The resume thing may upset someone in the military, but I don't beleive it has upset the producers of DS. IMO , there must be another reason for the conflict. And in such projects , as we seen in real life, money, ego, and other factors can trigger conflicts. And in many cases, everyone try to hide real reasons because they maybe embarrasing/immoral/illegal or whatever.