id agree with the less then 1 in 10 are prepared instead. almost no one i know is prepared or even thinking of it, scary thoughts indeed.

im trying to prepare as best i can ive been doing it on and off (mostly off, unfortunately) since the mid 90s.

none of my friends in my age bracket (30ish) are prepared more then having a couple of bottles of water or maybe a spare flashlight in the house.
its like the us in the early days of aids thinking "something couldnt possibly happen to me".
they are still my friends but i wish they would wise up and prepare in earnest..

its scary to think living in NY/ brooklyn all my life ive lived through 3 YES 3 ! terrorist attacks that could have been fatal.

the first was the world trade center bombing of 94 i was in the area when the bomb went off. i thought it was a small earthquake at first.

people forget about the attempted terroist bombing of the subway lines in brooklyn in 97, they said when caught these guys had enough explosives to take out a block in each direction.
i lived less then half a block away when it happened.

luckily i slept late on 9-11 and didnt go into the city like i planned. sadly several people my family knew that didnt.

during the blackout last year atleast i had stocked up on batteries, crank radio candles and the like.
so i helped hand out cups of water to those coming out of the local train station who needed it.

for those of you who know store owners, encourage them to invest in an old fashioned register. if more had them inthe black out alot less food would have spoiled from just sitting there.

so yes i prepare as much as my very limited budget lets me, but call me paranoid i just feel i need to move faster, and im always playing catch up.
been gone so long im glad to be back