My son and I watched "Mars on Earth" on the weekend. Gotta say that I didn't like it as much as the first two seasons. I like Cody but this felt like more entertainment than education. (Moreso than the first two seasons.)

I missed the snake part but my 9 year old pointed out that:

-splitting up (and going different directions) isn't smart
-he wondered why Cody did leave signals for Joe when he changed location. Relying on the yellow helmet worked, but "wouldn't it have been smarter to make some arrows or something?"
-drinking your pee isn't smart
-running across the desert in bare feet isn't smart
-running down a sandy slope isn't smart
-leaving the rope/parachute behind when they climbed down into the canyon wasn't smart. (I pointed out that it was anchored at the top, and he countered that they could have cut it and at least brought some of it with them.)
-not gathering resources (i.e. firewood) when you can isn't smart
-collecting those bean/seed pods to eat was smart. He wondered if there weren't more that they could have taken with them
-he wondered by Cody didn't make a hand drill, instead of fretting over only having one match

We'll watch it again, but keeping entertainment vs education in mind the entire time.
Mom & Adventurer

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