For years I made every Marine in my unit read Shackleton's Journey just because of the mental toughness that was displayed during their hardship. Anyone who can snivel about being cold, hungry or uncomfortable after reading that book is not human. Everytime I was in a situation where life was miserable, I always pictured Shackletons crew and I sucked it up.

As for the cat controversey, everyone is obviously entitled to their own opinion. As a Christian, I know that man was placed above all animals, so I don't look at animals as being "human-like". I've always had pets (not cats) and would not hesitate to put them out of their misery or kill them out of some other need. I only kill animals for food or damage control and I don't expect everyone to get it. More than 80% of the meat my family eats comes from wild game that I kill. To PETA that's unforgivable... to me, that's life.

Semper Fi, George