This thread easily evolves into the questions, "What are you prepping for?" Clearly we do not all have the same events on our radar. For much of my life I have been going into more or less wild places, both as part of my job, volunteer work (SAR) and recreation. For some time I have been concerned about the mix of skills and gear that would return me and my group to home and hearth, and that is still my focus today.

Now that I live in southern California, I definitely need to concern myself with earthquake and wildfire preps, but I don't envision the end of civilization and if that happens, I will just have to cope and muddle through. I am sure others have a different mix of scenarios of concern.

I think we ought to be careful in bandying about terms like "OCD." As Izzy rightly states, my legitimate concern is your OCD; most likely a mental health professional would point to yawning gaps in the diagnosis.
Geezer in Chief