Originally Posted By: ireckon
I just bought some small whistles that are supposed to be loud:
Victorinox Distress ($1 + shipping on eBay)
JetScream ($5 or so on eBay)
ACME Tornado 636 Slimline ($5 or so on eBay)

Of these three small whistles I bought, I highly recommend the ACME Slimline. The pitch is a bit lower than than Fox 40 Sonik Blast, and the volume is almost as loud. It hurts my ears regardless. The ACME Slimline is the smallest of those three listed, and is considerably slimmer than the Fox 40 Sonik Blast. Pocket carrying the Fox 40 Sonik Blast annoys me in some pants, where the ACME Slimine doesn't bother me.

The JetScream is just OK. I have other whistles that are better in every way. This whistle won't get any keychain time.

The Victorinox Distress (aka, TOPS) is a learning experience. I learned it doesn't matter to me that it's so slim. It's not loud at all. Some people consider it loud. My eardrums must be built differently.
If you're reading this, it's too late.