This (excellent) eight-minute National Park Service safety video for Big Bend Park in Texas includes a 3 second segment showing the flashes of a signal mirror as seen from an aircraft.

It is an unusually good example of how much more visible a signal mirror flash makes you - taken at a decent range, viewable up to HD 1080P quality.

The flash is nearly four minutes in, so here's a link that starts you set to HD 720p video 5 seconds before the flashes:

For the full effect, you can immediately pause the video, set quality to 1080p using the "gear" icon at the bottom left margin, and go to full screen with the bottom leftmost icon before proceeding.

For the full video on YouTube (and I do recommend it), go here: Full Video on YouTube (more options for video size, etc.) or click below:

Edited by rafowell (11/26/12 06:31 AM)
Edit Reason: make link more prominent
A signal mirror should backup a radio distress signal, like a 406 MHz PLB (ACR PLB) (Ocean Signal PLB)