I used to work at a place which was just like the UK TV show called ' The office'. In fact many people thought that where they were working was the 'The office'. I had even mentioned to a few colleagues before the series first aired that 'This place would be ideal to write a comedy script for'

We had a very similar incident to Series 1 episode 2 'Work Experience'

Brent discovers a pornographic image with his face superimposed onto the body of a naked woman and finds that everybody in the office has seen it. He covers his embarrassment by pretending to be angry because the image "offends women", and gives Gareth the task of finding the culprit; Tim mocks Gareth as he takes it far too seriously.

My manager even had a sidekick just like Gareth.

Unlike the TV show they never did find out who was the photoshop culprit was during the intensive investigation of individual interrogations. laugh