I would think ammo has some effect on its deadliness? But, here at least, there's all kind of small game. Steel shot should have slightly more kenetic force, but I imagine a marble size rock would do the trick.

You aren't kidding. I had one slingshot break and sent the small pvc piece and the band straight onto my knuckles. It was not pleasant….

I have one thing in favor of a slingshot. I use stretch bands (elastic) for stretching and warming up. They are in fact a little stronger than regular slingshot bands.. plus ammo is relatively available.

Absolutely correct you can't just pick one up, but I have the same handicap for any weapon. Its been ages since I shot a gun, I'm starting out in archery & a good crossbow is as much or more than a decent .22cal. It definitely shouldn't replace a good weapon. I definitely agree with you on that.

Oh wow! I followed those posts…. and found this as suggested vid:
