Originally Posted By: ireckon
For any of your flashlights, do you use 16340 batteries, the rechargeable version of CR123?

Among the Candlepower Forums crowd, "16340" generally refers to one particular type of rechargeable CR123-sized cell, but there are other types/chemistries out there, e.g. Li-Co RCR123 cells. "16340" generally refers to IMR-type cells, which are capable of high dischrage rates but have lower capacity than the more typical Li-Co lithium ion rechargeable cells.

I think you'll find this discussion on Candlepower Forums interesting.

I haven't worn out any of my Li-Co RCR123 cells yet, so I have not tried these IMR cells yet. In general, if you want really high currents, then IMR's are the way to go. If not, then Li-Co's still have their place depending on any other priorities you may have.