I think the biggest reason there hasn't been much rioting is because the weather has been cold and the police and national guard presence here has been significant. I mean, every time a gas station got gas around here the police or national guard were called in almost immediately, supplying multiple people to organize things and keep order. When people would get angry that the station ran out of gas, the police or national guard would force them to leave. Otherwise, you would have huge groups of people sitting around at gas stations waiting for gas.

With that said, there has been plenty of stealing and looting. My landscaper had his yard and trailers broken into, and all his gas stolen. The auto repair garage around the corner had all the cars in his lot siphoned or punched for gas. Generators are being stolen right and left if they aren't chained down. Someone even stole the generator that was powering the street lights at a major 4-way intersection by my house.

A lot of people are being helpful and friendly, which is great. But, you've still got a large population of people who are getting very aggravated and less courteous by the minute. A longer term emergency, especially one with little police/troop presence, would definitely have me very worried.