excellent topic.
and you're dead right - pardon the pun - in this messed up economy "work stress" is gonna kill a lot more guys than hypothermia.

i use a mixture of things. i don't think there is one magic bullet. here's a few things i do ...

1. ride my motorcycle. it works for me. there's an old saying that you never see any motorcycles in front of the psychologists office :-)

2. try not to get hung up about "one thing going wrong". nearly always in life - there are multiple ways to work around a problem. instead of getting stressed out ... i just get out of the office for a couple of minutes, get some fresh air and sunshine, and think about alternative approaches.

3. Never tell myself I'm trapped. Because no-one is ever trapped. I always have a "dam* good getaway" in the back of my head. And if they really drag me into the boss's office in 2 months and fire me - I'm GONNA DO IT. HAHAHA!!! I may not make a lot of money with my future plans - but it will be fun :-) Seriously, you've got to give yourself an "out". Always.
