I've been thinking about getting an animal for survival. I'm not a cold, heartless person but just thought it would be more trouble than its worth. Rolling the idea around in the noodle some, my first thought was well if it comes down to it, I am keeping a food source close by. I know I know...that's pretty cold, but honestly it's true if it gets bad enough. Now on to much warmer and happier thoughts.

I've had a lab before and he was a great dog. Now, due to apartment living, the YL (my girl in ham speak) and I have a cat. I'm not sure what a cat can do in a survival situation lol other than the aforementioned food supply. Of course, I'd go the dog route. My question is, can you train your dog to ACTUALLY protect you adequately? Every time I go on a maintenance hike, I see runners, usually female, running with a big huge dog. I can't help to ask myself, is the dog just psychological protection or actual protection. I asked a co-worker of mine who matches the dog/jogger description and she said it's just more psychologically comforting than anything and if anybody didn't have her best interests in mind, that the dog probably wouldn't do anything other than think somebody was playing with it. I know there are other points besides the protection factor when it comes to dogs, like an early warning system, warmth, hunting, and many more. Doesn't the extra time and money invested in an animal have a pay off better than not having one at all?