I am not all up on the GMO stuff, I eat as clean as I can, cleaner than most. Looking back on my life, I have done far worse things to my body in one night of drinking or one endurance event than all the times in my life that I thought I got something from eating a genetically modified product. Honestly I would probably eat a GMO fruit or veggie over a Snickers bar.

I know that people that want to push a proposition in California for labeling GMO, (prop 37, IIRC) are getting their word out every where they can.

The OP regarded BPA in soup. To be honest, the entire time I read this thread I kept thinking, "Where is Blast? Why hasn't he chimed in?" The report he produced on the 'scam' of BPA in plastic really opened my eyes and I have put him on my top shelf of trusted sources on chemical components in everyday living.

GMO, BPA, HFCS, good, bad. If someone can lose 50 pounds eating corn that lasts longer in the season because its been modified or tomatoes because they are cheaper and larger or drink Gatorade instead of beer out of ten year old Nalgene bottles. Fine. Great. Better to lose 50lbs that way than die of the condition I consider obesity induced death because I can tell you from experience organic foods are more expensive and don't store as long.
Don't just survive. Thrive.