Though I have covered a lot of bases, -with my Critique and Criticism here, -there are others I'm sure that havn't occurred to me, -and so have been left out. Plus this earlier post of mine, may well suffer from some of the Deficiencies, -of that earlier Writing Style time of mine! (Some doubtless still continue to exist).

So I should either Comprehensively Cover such a Greater Reach, -or attempt to *Adequately* cover a Smaller, more general, amount. (Akin to someone writing a reasonably Detailed Guide to our 50 American States, to give an example. One can't perfectly cover in all detail say 11 of those States, Partially cover in varying amounts 28 others, and say little to Nothing of the other 11 !). So I just give this little Cautionary Caveat of a Notice here! As to this earlier post of mine.

This all said and so, -I of course Remain very Turned Off to and Disapproving of Rap and Hip Hop! As we so overwhelmingly Know and have Known it !!!

Now if they'd Minus Out all of their UN-Acceptable and Utterly Objectionable LCD / LTN / and LOO Elements, -and were just Commonly "Upward" and Decent of themselves!, ( L.L. Cooljay's "I Need Love" comes to mind, from earlier Rap and etc of times), -then such Rap and Hip Hop would likely in my view be at least All Right and OK! But *NOT* with only more of their LCD Same Old Same Old, -as they only continue to stand now!

Enuff Clarifying Peace said on this by me for now! I *do* have some More Important / Better / and More Enjoyable things to be doing! In Life anyway!

I'll close by defining my aforementioned Acronyms, -

LCD = Lowest Common Denominator.

(We should rather put the Accent on going for our "Greatest Common Factor"! Or our all round, Higher, Better, and Truer Selves!).

LTN = Less than Noble.

LOO = Less of Oneself. [color:"black"] [/color] [email]ScottRezaLogan[/email]
"No Substitute for Victory!"and"You Can't be a Beacon if your Light Don't Shine!"-Gen. Douglass MacArthur and Donna Fargo.