So lets assume, even if 90 days consumption of the Monsanto product only gives rise to 0.01% (this would be statistical insignificant i.e. completely unmeasurable in relation to the size of the test group in this paper) for human related liver and kidney disease leading to premature death for a 320 million test group. i.e. 32,000 human premature deaths.

That's 90 days of the lifespan of a lab rat/mouse (Normal for a mouse is 2-3 years in captivity).
Does the report list the ingredients of their diet or was it nothing but GMO grain? It was a mixed diet. Did they consume a normal amount or was it all they could eat?

Assuming an average of 2.5 years, that would be equivalent to a human eating the same diet for 7.4 years.

It would be interesting to see the results of a LARGE population study carried out over most of the lifespan of a rat.

Edited by UTAlumnus (10/02/12 04:22 AM)