i totally agree with you there.
i personally dislike hiphop, but i do somewhat like the older rap that became popular as i grew up because it had more positive messages.

the problems are these:
1.respect - the people blasting this crap have none, when the windows on the BACK of my house rattle at 3 am on a weeknight because of their stereo systems power.
but yet if people started screaming at them to turn that crap down or off we are branded as "being offensive" or "intolerant " or some p.c branwashing like that, making us feel guilty for speaking up.

but its ok if were all subjected to listening to this filth with more cursing and sexual descriptions then you can imagine filling a 60 second period of time while children are all around coming out of a nearby school.

now i admit I dont have the cleanest vocabulary, but i NEVER speak like that around children.

2. the media and the race card - lets be honest here, the media loves to jump all over stories of police racial profiling and such. but ive seen car loads of white kids playing the same crap as loud, its not a race issue its a culture issue.

in any case more often then not recently ive seen these clowns blasting their music so loud not caring for others hearing, even with a cop car RIGHT NEXT TO THEM but NOTHING ever happens to them!
it was so bad that a full block away i cant talk on my cell phone because its STILL too loud.
but the cops (who in this case were both white) totally ignored the vehicle right behind theirs on the avenue making store windows rattle because If they fined these morons (who in this case were black) as the current noise pollution law says they have to, you know it woulld somehow get blown out of proportion and wind up on tv with the cops labled "racist" so they do just nothing at all about the noise levels now.

sorry for the rant, but im an insomniac as it is, and these past few nights these idiots keep waking me up between 2-4 am and then i cant get back to sleep at all.

so i scan this site alot and often respond to these old threads, (its new to me though heh.)
been gone so long im glad to be back