I wish I could give your post more prominence on this site because it's 100% useful and correct. Nobody is going to be living off the land in a wilderness situation if there's a hurricane or a hazmat incident. You'll be indoors, in a big place, or at a friends place or a hotel or a church, and that's what "go" means. If you travel a bunch, you already live with a Go Bag - its called your carry-on bag, and if you don't have what you need for the next few days in there, you're not really ready to travel anyway.

My carry-on bag and briefcase - with a few minor additions - IS my go bag. Its packed with everything I need to do a business meeting, sleep in an airport, make phone calls, eat something, drink something and so on. Its always packed, except for a few moments when I get home from a trip and I change out the spare socks and underwear or refill the consumables I might have used on the trip.

Turning that into a "go" bad for an evacuation entails putting my backup hard drive in there and grabbing a small bag with a sleeping bag, batteries, some books and a few other items that I might like to have. Thats it.