I admit that I posted in a moment of frustration, and so my post was neither diplomatic nor helpful in advancing the conversation. For that I apologize.

However, I disagree that walking away from a thread is the right thing to do. When a thread goes off the rails, we members (and by extension Mr. Ritter's foundation) are all tarred with that same "tin foil hat" brush. So I believe it is quite proper to speak up.

If a corporate recruiter asked me about my online activities (and they do ask), would I be proud to list my participation in ETS? Not the way things are going. They would take one look and say "crackpot!" These are the same organizations that make expensive decisions based on the foundation's credibility. What we say and do here has ramifications, and we need to remember that.

That's my two cents' worth, and I'll let it go at that.