Im dehydrating frozen Blackberries on parchment paper so they wont stick.

Why do this?

Since they store poorly and take up a lot of freezer space.So blackberry powder here I come.

What are they for?

Thats the good part.If you take a coffee cup,fill half with berries and fill with water,microwave to boil,then mash em up.Drink it and berries completely. Tastes pretty darn good too.

This will stop diarrhea in its tracks.Stomach cramps,gone! Now sometimes it takes 2 doses,but it REALLY DOES WORK,everyone Ive given it to,or advised,has gotten relief. It works BETTER than Imodium,and it doesnt leave you bound up afterwards like the anti diarrheal drugs can do.

I'll update as I finish up,havent dehydrated these before but should work.

Well.....parchment paper a BAD idea,the juice oozed onto it,scraped em off and straight to a tray now....

OK,direct to tray is working,almost dry.....