Originally Posted By: spuds

A Bud runs a survival/prep store.He is down on MRE's because he says they constipate and are designed to do just that.Retired military....he cant understand why MRE's sell so well,he wont eat em!But I guess short term meals they have a place?

The best feature of MREs is the absolute ease and simplicity of preparation, plus the over packaging makes every meal like Christmas, as you unwrap your "presents." Most of those I have eaten have been in the guise of "fire rations," which are the same items rebranded and packed in boxes with different labels.

I think the story about constipation is a military urban legend (MUL), although it may be true. Back in the old brown boot army, we used to say the same thing about C rations. Either MREs or C rats taste great when you out in the field/fire line and the elegant restaurant with the wine list and tablecloths is unavailable....

With just a little foresight and planning, you can prepare meals that are lighter, more tasty and nutritious, and cheaper, right out of your local supermarket. But you will have to actually cook.
Geezer in Chief