*yawns, stretching* Hi everyone.

I concur with the plan. The plan is what separates a survivor from a well stocked refugee.

First point, think of 5-6 types of events that would cause you to bug IN. Then think of 5-6 types of events that would cause you to bug OUT. The reasons for leaving sometimes require special items.

(No fair talking about zombies, plague, global EMP or anything like that- that's more than BoB can manage.)

So, with those reasons to leave town, you are now ready to think of three places you are leaving to. At least one should be in a different direction from the other two bug out locations. If you can't stash gear there, then you'll need to carry it. All of it. As a result, not all BoLs are created equal.

Now for the fun question- how are you getting there? You should have 2-3 ways to get to each BoL depending on road issues. Locate, not just on the map but actually drive them, potential problem points like major intersections (long skinny parking lots), bridges (boat ramps), and enviromental hazards (rock/mud/snow slide slopes, industrial chemical yards, etc) on each. Have a couple of detours for each, and mark them on the map. So, all of that means you might need special gear just to get to the BoL. And that's the easy option.

Hope to drive, plan to walk. Even bikes can break, and while there are winter bicyclists, they stick to plowed roads. Plan on a road march, with the option of going cross country. IF you have have to leave the vehicle, look at your gear. If you don't need certain gear any more, leave it. If you packed for a six day hike and you know you are two days walk out from where you are going, ditch three days of food if you are confident that you can afford it at your BoL.

On the topic of driving, if you need more than two cars, find out what you can swap between them with hand tools. You can put the same tires and rims on both? Great- if you've got the time and are willing to risk the exposure, get the jack and salvage them if you have to ditch the car who's engine just seized.

So, you're now on foot. Goody. Be ready for the worst weather that time of year can throw at you, or be ready to find places to hole up. Plan for what happens WHEN (not if) your party gets seperated, and cell phones are not a plan. Everyone who's old enough should have a map, compass, and know the route but also meeting points (message drops... ehhh, the work for some people). People to small should have pictures of their family, their home address, the BoL address, and (assuming you aren't running off to the cabin in the woods) how to reach whoever is at the BoL. "Me and Mommy and Daddy were going to Gam-ma and Gam-pa's" isn't super descriptive.

So... that isn't what gear goes into BoB, but what goes into BoB's brain. Instead, that list of nightmare should be telling you, along with your skill live and resources, what should be in your BoB.

Other things that should go into BoB's brain are documents. Thumbdrives are tiny and cheap and a 32gb drive will hold more wedding pictures, baby pictures, tax records, bank statements and insurance records than you can put into a van. Do NOT be the guy who dies with the box of photos under his arm. The only things I'd say that MUST be in BoB in hard copy are the last insurance bills, your insurance cards, your ID (including passport and birth certificate), bank book, and any prescriptions you have. And if at all possible, have someone far, far away hold a copy of all of that that you update at least yearly if not quarterly- you might have to dump BoB. He's a good guy and all, it won't be because of him, it's just that your life is weird right now.

And don't bug with your computer. If you really must, pull out the hard drive, assuming that all your really important stuff (records, photos, music) isn't on some kind of external backup already. Which is should be.

That, and cash. Cash is king. Silver, gold, an arm full of rolexes, those are all shiny, but but paper works. (Although a little bit of trade gold or silver never hurt in a crunch, just be smart about it and learn what it's really worth.)

Things NOT to put into BoB, IMHO.

Enough firepower to impress the Army. If I never again see another BoB with body armour, night vision gear, smoke grenades and 10K rounds of ammo, I'll be very happy. I'm not saying don't have a gun, that's your personal choice, just remember you aren't going to be subtle about that and you will make a bad first impression. Note, there are places in the world where this doesn't apply, but they aren't in the first world.

Gas masks, UNLESS your enviroment (reason to bug or hazards en route) calls for it.

Traps, fishing gear, seeds, etc. This isn't a Conestoga, and if things get that bad, we are all in more trouble than we can shake a stick out. Running out to the country and playing Robinson Crusoe is not a plan, its suicide.

More than four light sticks- buy a flashlight. A good one. That you can wear on your forehead and takes regular kinds of batteries.

So, that said, back to lurking....

When a man dare not speak without malice for fear of giving insult, that is when truth starts to die. Truth is the truest freedom.