described yourself as what I would call an unreliable pet owner

Russ, I think a better description for me is : a realiable and responsible pet NON-OWNER.

In the past, I was stuck with pets (stubborn kids , you know ) we got a few fish and we put them in an aquarium. It needed feeding and cleaning ..etc. A few weeks down the road my daughter's attention went elsewhere, and I got to feed the fish. The fish reproduced and I got a bigger problem. Then I asked my son to help me transfer all those fish into a big water bottle and donated them to a pet shop.

It's just that I don't want to have the pets to begin with, and having to be responsible for them.

Back to original topic. Bag of helpful stuff.

I don't have a late model smart phone, but the cell phone I have does have a few useful functions. Camera, off course. The nice thing about a cmera is ( a picture is better than a 1000 words). Really. Saves you lots of talk. I often use it to photograph useful and helpful stuff. Like one day a pickup was parked at the store and displayed on the doors ( electrican & plumber ) plus phone numbers. tsk .. took photo.

The phone also has a voice recording function which I use frequntly to record TO DO things , or other remarks to write down later. One day my wife showed me some location and didnt want to forget it next week , so I recorded her description ( take right , then when you get at the phrmacy turn left ...etc. ) It is really helpful.

Thse functions are very helpful when you face problems.

Any other functions you have found useful for hard times ?