I have a number of plain blade knives, mostly Fallknivens and even a few plain blades with laminated powdered steel cutting edges. In one or two days of intensive outdoor use, I usually have to sharpen the plain blade or else. I don't like having to tote around and keep track of a sharpener whenever I carry plain blades in the field, either on day projects or on expeditions.

However, I also have several inexpensive serrated blade knives that have had an enormous amount of use over the years. These serrated blade knives have never been sharpened (not a single time), yet they still work perfectly well. I even run them through the dishwasher and we use them on gristle steak night and with pleasure.

Unless you like the sharpening thing (some of my company's board members indicate they find the plain blade knife sharpening ritual therapeutic), for general outdoor use and especially if you end up having an emergency or survival situation along the way, choose the partially serrated one.