I don't think it's possible even if you are alone.

from wikipedia
Each meal provides about 1,200 Calories ....
Each MRE weighs 18 to 26 oz.

BUT a man needs 2,500 calories a day if he's not doing any walking while carrying a load. So you best be talking 3 MREs a day, which then adds to the load and makes the calorie content higher again. And how are you going to carry only food? No sleeping bag, shelter, stove, fuel etc?
MREs contain water so are a bad choice anyway.
If you are serious about needing a bug out plan simply have food cached in the direction you will bug out. Or all directions if you don't know. Food is cheap and you haven't lost that money anyway. You have the food.

Sorry for providing no exact numbers but for some reason I can't find a simple 'what calories are you burning with x amount of load' formula on the net.

'this assumes flat ground, good weather, no opposition/gridlock and being in shape and 2-3 mph. Near perfect conditions'
is the reasoning of someone who is likeliest to die. This is equipped for survive not 'equipped for everything always going right'.