See another canner here,love it.You did great this year Jolt,wtg!

Jolt,we have one of those apple skinner/corer thingies,works ok I guess,sure beats doing by hand,we have apples coming real soon,I think cinnamin applesauce might be nice.

Folks who havent canned,if its ever crossed your mind to do so its really easy esp. with the web,its ALL there,great youtubes.

We made apricots in light syrup for the canned ones.

For the dehydrated cherries and apricots just run a knife around edge to pit and pop out pits.We then tossed into a bowl with 1-2 tsp vitamin C powder in a qt of water to keep color good. You could use lemon or lime juice too. The Vit C powder available at health food stores.