Originally Posted By: haertig
Originally Posted By: ireckon

•Getaway (kind of like Highwayman Hitch but better)

Do you know of an online reference for tieing this one? Or an ABOK reference number? I find the Highwayman Hitch to be severly lacking for tieing up our horses. I use something called the Horse Dealer's Hitch (as described in John Shaw's "The Directory of Knots" page 110). I would be interested to learn the Getaway.

The Youtube video got taken down. Here's a pic I made of the Getaway Knot (as named by me). It's similar to the Highwayman, but better in my experience.

HOWEVER, if the knot does not have to be "exploding", I'd rather tie a Halter, Siberian, or Slipped Buntline. By the way, you can make the slip on any of these knots secure by using the working end to tie a Half Hitch around the slip. Or you could put the working end through the slip. The horse would not be able to use teeth to pull out the slip, but the knot would still be easy for you to untie.
If you're reading this, it's too late.