Out hospitals give a small diaper bag with samples of similac and such in them. We took those and kept one in each vehicle as an emergency bag/bob.
After the first month or so wife would pump and extra time every so often and we would freeze it to have a emergency stock.
Grocery stores would get annoyed because we would clean out the whole shelf of baby food on one trip. But we didn't use that a lot, instead would mash up normal vegetables and such.
Pack and plays become part of your BOB/INCH gear.
Took them camping the first time around 6 months so they could get used to it. First trip for my daughter a few months old and my son was about 1.5 got real cold in the night. We slept with my daughter between us but noticed my son already had an instinct to curl up and cover his whole body with the blankets to keep warm. Found this kids sized tent on clearance and we set it up and would just let them crawl around inside, they really enjoyed it.