Multiple layers of gear setup by priority and situation.
For example if the storm has passed and we just had to bug out for a couple days due to power outage then I'd leave the important documents binder in the safe. If we bugged out due to something like the wildfires where the chances are higher that we might not return to our house as we know it now then I would pack the important documents folder.
Anything higher priority stays ready to go ,for example the ~100 year old rifle my grandfather gave me stays inside its case in the safe. Similar to the situations above it would stay in the safe or go depending on the chances of us being able to return to it.
But everything from that rifle to the important documents folder and computer backups are all in cases ready to grab and go. The highest priority I setup that way to keep things organized and minimize loading time.
Each of us would take our go bag which has the most useful (and most expensive) gear. Then the secondary bags which have stuff for the kids, more consumable items such as food and water, etc