Good to be reminded occasionally of food safety guidance for when the power goes out. DC-area media are doing a good job of helping peops by providing such info. There is additional useful encouragement for being more prepared in the future by having coolers on hand as well as a stockpile of food that does not require refrigeration:

The Center for Disease Control says if your power is out for less than two hours, all the food in your refrigerator will be safe for you and your family to eat.

While the power is out, the refrigerator and freezer doors should be kept closed as much as possible. Food will be safe in a half full freezer for up to 24 hours, 48 hours in a full freezer.

Should your power be out for longer than two hours, the CDC says remember the ABCDs of food safety:

Always keep meat, poultry, fish and eggs refrigerated at or below 40 °F and frozen food at or below 0 °F. Get dry or block ice to help keep your food at these temperatures.
