Originally Posted By: Frisket
.. but non of these forums relied on Credibility such as this forum.

How do you figure ? This is a good forum, don't get me wrong but there are other good ones out there as well. The information on this forum is the same as any other, use at your own risk because you have no idea about who is posting on the other end and where they may have gotten their info from. Based on that, no forum has any real "creditability" per se.

I enjoy chatting about outdoor things here same as everyone, I don't mind asking about someones personal experience using a partcular bit of gear and so forth, but at the end of the day you are all a bunch of faceless, nameless internet personalities. I am sure every forum has it's share of posers pretending to be this and that through the precieved anonymity of the internet. When it comes to life or death matters I think you would be a fool to take anything as gospel that comes from any forum, period. If I want to know someones thoughts on the newest stove, sure, I may check the forums to see what folks are saying. If I want to know how to avoid a bear attack I am going to find a more reliable source of information than this. No offence to anyone here, I am sure a lot of you are very well travelled indeed. There's just no way to know.

If creditability is such a big concern on this forum or any other for that matter, people would be required to post as themselves (no made up fantasy names)

Just an opinion from one of the newer people here, for what it's worth. Is this forum a good place to hang out and chat? sure is. Would I reccommend anyone new to the whole prepardness lifestyle to go to any forum for proven, reliable wisdom......eh, no. I would tell them to read a book from someone with a proven reputation.