This is an interesting topic, but this site is not a TEOTWAWKI forum. We like to base most of our decisions on the presumption that civilization is either something we can get to, or will return to us.

With that in mind I would say that this is a good question to pose in the frame of mind of, "what if I can't store everything I may need?, or enough of what I need?"

To that my answer is that an agile mind often is the best solution when it comes to not being able to have everything you need.

Maybe you can't keep years worth of water. Actually for a years worth of water I am not sure I could keep one year just for me and my dog. Considering that most recommend 1 to 3 gallons per day per person. So Lets play with this for a moment. Let’s say 3 gallons per day for me (I am a heavy drinker) times one year 365 days that is about 1095 Gallons, and that is just for me. Add to it my pooch at about 1 gallon per day and suddenly your over 1300 gallons. I will make no delusions that I could effectively store that much water. But I can create water; I can clean water, and catch rain/snow. So I don't see the need to have a years worth of water on hand, rather a way to clean/make drinkable water.

Not the same scenario when it comes to food. I don't plan on running out and start hunting squirrels and the such after day 30.

Rather I feel more confident that society will re-create itself or return. Meaning that while you may not have electricity for a year for some unknown reason; the community you are in will find a way to get what it needs to survive. I know that The Tsunami victims were without a lot for an extended amount of time and even Tokyo had to lessen its electricity consumption while they tried to figure things out. But, society did find it's way back to those who were struck by that disaster.

I am not saying you should not be self sufficient. Just be self sufficient for an amount of time like play for 60 days. Don't become obsessed with a one year scenario. Just start with one month. Then work up to two.

Just my thoughts