For about 7 months of the year, Gloria and I wander about in our truck. Mostly in remote areas. When we get to a new place, I run through a routine that sets the "bugout" criteria.

It is very easy for us to get trapped or exposed to some danger because we do not understand the local situation.

Ham radio is a great asset. A bit of time on the radio will provide me with good local information as well as get me "in" on the local happenings.

The exact plan varies with the location but some things are constant.

-Local Info (see above)
-Local Weather (Love an app called Raindar)
-Local fire conditions.
-Check map for alternate egress routes and destinations.
-Check immediate area for possible threats (other campers, animals, potential flooding etc).
-Reset radios for local conditions.
-Local Law Enforcment
-Local Forest Service/National Park/Town frequencies.
-hf Net Frequencies and times.
-Post locations on internet and email to "back-up" folks.
-Secure equipment from travel mode & deploy safety gear.
-Audit stores and estimate stay duration with extra depending on location.

Stuff like that.

...........From Nomad.........Been "on the road" since '97