Similar events have occured, and no doubt will occur again in Alaska. The most publicised case was the "Into the Wild" story that John Krakauer wrote about. That guy was found, but too late. I would be the last one to discourage someone from an adventure. However, some people just have no clue what they are getting into.

Originally Posted By: Teslinhiker
As I near my departure date for a solo 9 day wildnerness venture, it is news stories such as these that really enforce to me, the concepts and wisdom of being fully prepared and also fully cognizent of the harsh reality that these types of trips can go drastically wrong at any time no matter how experienced or inexperienced that a person is.
Have fun Teslin, but be very careful out there. We want to hear your stories when you get back!
"Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more."
-Dorothy, in The Wizard of Oz