Originally Posted By: ireckon
Wow, Leigh, are you carrying a purse/man bag or something? I carry one, but it seems like most men don't.

Anyway yes, it's more than 4. However, I think the idea here is the top ranked 4 items without compromise for an urban environment. I'm thinking a lighter is not in the top 4 for an urban environment. I personally do not even consider a lighter to be a necessary survival item to carry for urban. For those who think otherwise, please explain how a lighter was an essential part of your survival in an urban environment.

In answer to your question:

Quite a large percentage of our readership live either in an environment where earthquakes are a daily fact of life, or there are other environmental factor's that make the ability to make fire essential. To me, the cost in terms of convenience is outweighed by the value of fire.
I don't do dumb & helpless.