I must admit, my clothing typically doesn't scream survival. Quite often it's the bare minimum - my uniform. I do have a wool cap and glove liners already in my car, but that's the extent of my clothing.

SpecWar, good points. I've never really considered a cloth tarp - I don't plan on using a tarp as shelter if I'm leaving in a vehicle. More of an addendum/patio type of covering.
-TP. Actually I think I have one roll, but thanks for the reminder to check. Wet wipes are in there.
- I think there's one pair of work gloves - if not, my BOB has them, and it sits on top of the trunk.

I did put in 2 headlamps, finally found some MSR propane tanks for my Whisperlight and threw 2 of the larger cans in to the trunk. Water filter is not currently in the trunk, but it IS situated about 10 feet over in my "miscellaneous camping crap" box. Don't know if I'd have the presence of mind to grab it however.