Originally Posted By: Phaedrus
I have . . . a yellow Bigboy (360mm blade w/XL teeth).

I noticed in the specs that Silky's yellow Bigboy has a curved blade (a big deal - faster, more aggressive than a straight blade) and is rated as having a cutting capacity of 7.1 inches. Sweet.

From my own personal experience, Silky is ultra-conservative in its ratings of cut capacities. A 7.1 inch official rating probably translates to being able to cut a 10 inch limb or tree that comes crashing into my living room during a hurricane, at least that's the way I look at it. I'll take two.

For what it's worth, I understand that Silky's new Genki-Temagari 500 has taken over (from Silky's Katanaboy) as the ruling "faster than any hand saw ever created". It's not a folder but has progressively larger teeth and what looks like four rows of them. Scary stuff.