
No worries on chop busting. In addition to many other talents I am a welder and blacksmith and will do all the necessary protections but not the super crazy door specs (like a vault with internal rods). I will do the 90 degree turn, heavy door (concrete reinforced)but not one of the $4000 dollar ones. so, to answer, it will primarily be fallout shelter with some blast hardening options. ventilation system will be simple but effective, likely use a large butterfly valve with removable rods as a backup (cheap and common wood dust airlock type)should suffice.Mostly doing this on the cheap, and self building. I work in many mediums and in all sorts of ways, tinkerer, inventor, designer.

Yes, consider evac. and have some preps in that regard. challenge is fuel stockpiling, I usually have 300 gallon diesel here for truck (forklift/ truck crane to load it on truck/trailer with)You really cant stockpile gasoline in any quantity due to shelf life issues. Bug out issues include traffic jambs, road problems (human panic type), and go to where (long term location)? Also, what if you blow some tires, how you gonna get those fixed in the middle of a crisis? Got foam filled tires or run flats? Just some thoughts. I would rather wait it out here for a few critical weeks, then move once known issues would be addressed. Ideal bug out vehical, is diesel, dually, carrying fuel and water, split 50/50 truck trailer. ditch trailer if need be. fuel is 2400lbs, water is about same wieght.

I just think a smart targeting plan (terrorist side) will include small nuke with the potenial for other elements dominoing afterward. This would create multiple risks to public health, and hence panic. I do have full face masks for the kids and my wife and I and picked up some new "riot control" MSA filters (40 that retail for $38 each for $100 for all 40 pieces new in sealed pouches) These are for tear gas so may not be effective for other gases but better than just a particulate filter. I have been reading up on decon issues and proceedures and decon rooms. gonna get some Tyvek suits to keep in the bag with the masks. Mostly wanna keep the kids safe. they are young, I may even have them dress up next Halloween in their suits to make them more comfortable with the idea of wearing them.


Edited by Ironwood (06/14/12 01:45 AM)