the wisdom to know when not to go out on a hike or climb due to aggravation or injury. You'll always have other opportunities to hike and climb - and on average you'll have far more opportunities if you don't go out already compromised physically.

Slow down. RICE it. Life is long. You're putting yourself and your hiking or climbing companions at risk. I have left a couple friends at the bottom of a rock climbing route against their wishes, one for being hung over (and still essentially drunk), one for climbing too soon after a shoulder dislocation. When I learned my outdoor skills we appointed hike or climb leaders and their assessment of the team's capabilities was final. I was the leader. I might have been overly cautious in either case, but both times I had that nagging feeling in the back of my head that proceeding with them on the climb would be a bad idea - either in execution, or in the event we got into trouble. Bottom line, we all carried our essential gear, and we all lived to laugh about it later over beers.