Excellent questions and suggestions. I have more questions than suggestions, so am not helpful in that regard!

I've got 2 boxes of MREs in the garage that are ready for short-term emergency. I've got two cases of assorted #10 cans of Mountain House freeze dried food for long-term storage (25-30 year shelf life). Then there's miscellaneous crapola in the pantry that desperately needs to be organized, including a 10# bag of rice that likely needs to be replaced.

I don't like storing food in the garage as it gets HOT in the summer. I don't have space in the house as cupboard space is limited as it is. Except that God-forsaken corner of the cabinet that you have to unload the contents of and then stuff yourself into to get to the back of. You know the one. Just to the left or right of your sink. I may start stashing long-term storage away in there.

And there's the possibility of the crawl space. I've been down there in the summer and it's still pretty cool. 1,200 square foot floor plan, about three feet high equals 1,300 cubic feet of food storage... But what to do about moisture? Anybody successfully use the crawl space for food storage? What modifications did you do?

Edited to add: putting all of my eggs in one basket also makes me nervous. I live in earthquake country and I'd like to be able to get to my food if I need it! Keep part outside in the shed? What about the heat?

Edited by desolation (05/17/12 09:10 PM)