I think that you're absolutely right, Dagny.

((I'm a new guy to all of this, so correct me where y'all see fit.))

Now, if I had the money, and could convince the wife, I'd really consider buying that Costco bulk pack. I'd have to look around for better deals and comparison-shop against others, but that's just my way of doing things.

Now, trying to live on a year's worth of prepackaged dehydrated/freeze-dried stuff would be rather unpleasant, but if all we had was that, then that's what we would have to do. I'd of course be trying to supplement it (and stretch it out) by adding foods from the garden and whatever critters I could hunt and fish for, which would be a great improvement to the menu.

I for one am glad to see more manufacturers and retailers getting into this game. More competition should mean that they price each other down, saving us money.

As far as I can figure, more people getting into this means two things:
1) Fewer people panicked and in need should a need arises. Everyone with a stockpile of food is one less person storming the empty grocery stores in the event of a disaster, and one less family in need. Should make for a calmer community.
2) The more "normal" this is, the better.

Edited by BBQ_Pork (05/09/12 02:14 PM)