I'll take the bait Teslinhiker, and thank you for posting the article.

There are some interesting points about the investigation process and bear behavior, but the overall tone of it kind of irks me. I might stir up a hornets nest here, but this is my opinion

IMO, this is another article about a fatal bear attack where the anthropomorphising writer trys to tell us how rare bear attacks are. The cartoon is in reference to the timeline posted in the article where someone felt it was necessary to determine the cause of death was not desease related.

I think we have to come to grips with certain 'truths':

1. Wilderness is a myth...It has been gone for centuries

2. Ever increasing numbers of apex carnivores can not live in peace and harmony with ever increasing numbers of humans and livestock

3. Bears, wolves, pumas, and coyotes must be re-conditioned to fear humans for their own protection. This is really not that hard to do.

4. If the ecosystem cannot support apex predators with their natural food, then the population of these predators must be reduced.

Well Watson, he's torn to shreds, half eaten, and buried under sod and tree branches....I think we can rule out heart attack.

holmes.jpg (115 downloads)

The man got the powr but the byrd got the wyng