The extra large cotton bandanas/wild rags came in today. Here’s my initial impression:

Quality of material: heavy duty, all cotton, excellent

Toughness of material: exceptionally rugged

Thickness of material: something from 75 years ago - pre-air conditioning era that was used for mopping up honest sweat from brow when doing a task

Stitching: very precise

Bulkiness: much too bulky to put in an ordinary shirt pocket

Appearance: from a by-gone era (e.g. depression era); looks to be a bandana that a railroad man would have used to signal with — or looks like something a woodsman would wear; masculine [or unisex in that my wife, immediately upon the bandanas’ arrival, confiscated (she says “liberated”) the entire lot for her own purposes - much to my consternation - she says these bandanas are cool looking, a “millinery triumph”, whatever that means — she says any one of them “turns a straw hat into 10 different hats”]

Uses: when riding a horse through dust - wet it and put over nose and mouth to keep dust out of lungs; large and strong enough to use as a sling for a broken arm; tourniquet; polishing glasses; pre-filter for dirty water; for gathering eggs or berries and bringing them back to hut; can swab up a lot of sweat

Comments: an order of magnitude better overall than any other bandana out there

Price: an order of magnitude higher than any other bandana out there --- if you have to ask, you can’t afford it (get the 34X34 "blacked striped" one)