I have one of the older MSR Mini Waterworks filters and have had great service from it. The one problem with mine is that the filter was changed on the EX model and my filter cannot have the cartridges replaced since they are no longer produced.

My filter still works fine though and I just followed the directions and keep it cleaned after trips.

I too once got a waterborne infection and it was miserable, since then I have carried a filter. I prefer to boil the water and that is fine in camp. On the trail when I need to refill my water containers the filter is my first choice, quick and easy.
The filter I carry now is a Katadyn Hiker Pro and I have it setup so I can directly connect it to a Camelbak bladder by the drink tube or fill bottles without screwing them on. The main reason I changed to the Hiker Pro was availability of filter cartridges and ease of rigging it to work well with the Camelbak.
It is also a little lighter and smaller than the MSR.

I still boil water if there is a virus risk and when cooking in camp I boil water for tea without any filtering. Unless the water is cloudy, then I filter first.

I hope this helps. Have a good trip!
No, I am not Bear Grylls, but I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night and Bear was there too!