As I understand it, the focus of this forum is survival equipment and while survival is as varied as the context or the circumstances that prevail at the time, the circumstances and the degree of success are the only real judge of whether the presence of a firearm is valid, reasonable or non-essential. IE, if you perish for lack of a firearm, then your bias cost you your life. If trouble comes your way because you’re packing, you’ll have to pay whatever price providence demands.

None of us knows what challenges we might face in the midst of a survival scenario. Armed with our wits and whatever aids we’ve chosen to carry with us, we’ll enter the storm. There’s very little that can prepare anyone for the savage and stark realities of true chaos. Take care that you neither doom yourself through needless aggression nor handicap yourself with the shackles of an impractical ideology. Survival will always demand more of you than you’ve prepared to give.

Pro or con, it’s an academic debate. Academics is insulated from the impacts of reality and it’s reality that will have the final word. Understand the realities, make your personal commitment and accept the cards you’re holding when the game starts.