It has been about 2 years now that I have started carrying a ditty bag. My first one was a multi-pocketed, multi-zippered gift from one of the Native-American gambling casinos here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It was green in color and very handy for my everyday stuff. The one I currently have is an Eddie Bauer shoulder bag, brown in color with twice the room, half the pockets and zippers. It is very well made and does not draw the "womens purse" comments my friends used to throw my way when I had the other ditty bag.

On my belt I carry a key holder like the kind popular with the local police which I bought at a law enforcement supply store here for $10.00. The holder has a snap ring for attaching your keys and most importantly, it has a larger leather buffer between the pants and the keys so that the swinging keys do not rub through the pants. For security, I tuck the buffer & keys in my pocket and do not have to worry about wearing a hole in the pocket as they do not reach to the bottom.

Except for the most formal of occasions, I always carry this slung over my head on the left shoulder with the bag hanging on my right side. Convenient as all get-out and not at all feminine looking.

I do however carry my identification and a spare set of car keys in a thin plastic ID case in my right rear pocket.
