The footsacks don't look all that sturdy to me. I wonder how long they will last walking in them.

The wiggy product seems like just the ticket for crossing deeper bodies of water then the tops of your boot but lightweight hip waders don't seem like they would stand up to much walking either. Regular hip waders are not really for walking either.

A long while ago an acquantaince of mine showed me his solution for crossing a stream. It was two very heavy duty sleeves he had sewn up out of canvas. He wore them like socks, with sneakers on the outside for stream crossing. He said the canvas was slippery and he was afraid it would get torn on rocks, hence the sneakers. His dad owned a canvas shop (it was back in the late 70s when such things still existed) and had the equipment for him to sew up just about anything he wanted to out of canvas.

He even had this neat garment he had made that was sort of a poncho, but also could be used as a backpack, ground cloth, bivy tent, and overcoat. It had about a bazillion ties on it to allow him to configure it as he wished.

Edited by ILBob (03/02/12 05:59 PM)
Warning - I am not an expert on anything having to do with this forum, but that won't stop me from saying what I think. smile
