I checked out that KeePass application for my droid phone and Windows and Linux. It looks pretty nice. Their tutorial video mentions using Dropbox for "cloud" storage of the database file, so it is accessible anywhere. But I don't like the fact that this is stored on some third-party server out there on the internet somewhere. I already have my own "cloud" storage on my local LAN (one of my Linux boxes is my file server). All my home computers can access this, and so can my droid phone when it's connected to my LAN via WiFi (using the excellent "ES File Explorer" droid app). I assume my wife's iPhone has some similar WiFi based LAN access app, but I haven't investigated that yet.

However for remote access (not on the LAN) Dropbox might be good. I wouldn't store any files there that I hadn't encrypted myself, prior to using the encryption built-in to Dropbox. Also, I just don't like the idea of having to install an app on my computers that does automatic remote syncing. That's a big 'ol security hole just waiting to be exploited. So I don't think Dropbox is for me, but it may be good for others.